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What is a developmental or functional vision evaluation?Vision screenings test how well a child can see letters on an eye chart at distance, and many typical routine eye exams test eyesight and eye health. A developmental or functional vision evaluation also looks at this, as well as all of the functional visual skills needed for reading, writing, sports, work on screens, and hobbies. In addition to providing comprehensive eye care and evaluating eye health and any prescription needs, we also look deeper at how the eyes coordinate, track, move, and focus as well as visual perception. If your child passed a vision screening at school or the pediatrician's office, or even if they've had a typical routine eye exam and been told that they have "perfect vision", but they are skipping words or lines when reading, rubbing their eyes with near work, closing or covering an eye, or just not meeting what you know is their full potential, a functional/developmental vision evaluation can detect vision problems that are interfering with learning, eye-hand coordination, attention, and more, even if the child has 20/20 eyesight. Our vision evaluations take on a holistic and integrative approach to vision care. We collaborate with other developmental and integrative professionals (OTs, PTs, SLPs, pediatricians) who share similar care philosophies to tap into the unlimited potential of children and adults alike.
Why do families choose Summit Vision Center?We are a vision office made for kids. Our doctors and vision therapists are patient, kind, and absolutely love seeing kids of all ages and abilities. Our goal is that your child has a great experience during their vision evaluation. Our pediatric focus provides not only a kid-centric environment, but also specialized expertise when evaluating children. We offer a thorough, comprehensive, and integrative approach to vision. We understand that "20/20" eyesight is just the beginning of a well-functioning visual system and we evaluate functional visual skills as well such as eye teaming, tracking, focusing, and visual-perception that are not checked in screenings and even in many routine eye exams. We provide highly individualized vision care and we make the time to do so with expanded visit times. Our doctors spend 60-75 minutes with each new patient, ensuring that we are able to spend the time it takes to fully understand and evaluate every child and adult we see.
Are the services provided by Summit Vision Center covered under my insurance plan and/or vision discount plan?Summit Vision Center collects payment at the time of service and does not directly bill your insurance company. However, we will provide you with a complete superbill with the necessary codes to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement for any out-of-network benefits you might have. For services such as vision therapy, it is dependent on your individual private health insurance plan whether there is any reimbursement/benefit for vision therapy services or if it is an excluded service. The amount of the coverage and reimbursement also varies by insurance plan. Please contact your insurance company to understand your personal benefits. Our view is that insurance companies are first and foremost a business whose primary objective is to control costs. We believe that goal does not always translate into doing what is best for your child's or your health or vision. We are committed to doing what is best for our patients and their visual systems, and we remain out-of-network with insurance plans and vision discount plans so that we can fulfill this commitment.
What is vision therapy and who may benefit from it?Vision therapy is a comprehensive and evidence-based set of procedures that goes beyond traditional eye exercises. It is a drug-free and effective approach to correcting and enhancing the skills necessary for proper vision, under the supervision of a developmental optometrist. Read more about vision therapy at Summit Vision Center here.
I am an adult seeking vision therapy - can I be seen at your clinic?Yes! We see patients of all ages for vision therapy. However, we do not provide primary eye care for adults, and we ask that you be seen by your family eye doctor within the last year to check your eye health.
What qualifications and/or advanced training do the doctors at Summit Vision Center hold?Both doctors have obtained their Doctorate of Optometry and afterwards board certification in vision development, vision therapy, and vision rehabilitation (FCOVD). Fellowship through the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD) is an extensive process that includes 5+ years of experience in vision therapy, related continuing education, mentorship from an experienced vision therapy doctor, submitted written case reports and opinions, and passage of written and oral examinations.
What myopia management treatment options does Summit Vision Center provide?At Summit Vision Center, our goal is to provide the safest and most effective treatment, which may include one or more of the following treatments: soft multifocal contact lenses like MiSight Dailies by Coopervision, low-dose atropine eye drops, and vision therapy if there is binocular vision dysfunction or accommodative dysfunction present. We are currently not accepting new patients for orthokeratology ("ortho-K lenses", overnight corneal reshaping lenses) but are doctors are happy to help facilitate a referral to a stellar, local provider if this treatment is recommended.
What is myopia management?Summit Vision Center believes in being proactive about protecting your children’s vision! Did you know that already 1 in 3 children in the United States are nearsighted? Myopia management is a way to slow down the progression of myopia (nearsightedness) in children. Treatment includes special contact lenses, vision therapy, and/or eye drops. Myopia occurs when the eye is too long, causing light to focus in front of the retina instead of directly on it. As a result, distant objects appear blurry. Wearing standard glasses makes the vision clearer but it doesn’t stop the vision from continuing to deteriorate. A child’s myopia often changes throughout school age and will continue to progress until your child reaches their mid twenties. High levels of myopia can increase the risk of serious eye conditions later in life such as cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal problems.
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